BRAIN MAGIC Inc (hereinafter referred to as "our company")regarding the protection of all personal information (Including personal number and specific personal information, hereinafter collectively referred to as "personal information") handled by our company in our business, our company establishes a personal information protection policy and the structure of protection of personal information as follows.We will promote all employees by recognizing the importance of protecting personal information and making thorough efforts. Article 1 (Management of personal information) Our company keep customer's personal information accurately and the latest state. In order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, tampering, leakage, etc., we have taken necessary measures such as maintenance of security system, improvement of the management system, thorough employee education, security measures, personal information etc. We will strictly manage. Article 2 (Collection method of personal information) 1. Our company may ask you for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address when you make user registration. 2. Our company will gather all the information on the PC screen of the application that the user has agreed and checked when using our service. They are technical information such as IP address, cookie information, and history information, characteristics information, services and software used, pages viewed, works made in PC (including during production), search keywords, date of use, usage. Article 3 (Purpose of use of personal information) We promise that we will not handle personal information beyond the range necessary for achieving the specified purpose of use, in order to improve the service of our business and to perform the legitimate business of new product development. Article 4 (Prohibition of Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties) Our company will properly manage personal information received from customers and will not disclose personal information to any third party unless it comes under any of the following. ・When there is customer consent ・When our company disclose to our contractor outsourced to carry out service that the customer wishes ・When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulations Article 5 (Safety measure for personal information) 1. Our company takes all possible measures for security in order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information. 2. Personal information such as bank account and credit card number when using the service of our company. When acquiring transaction records and settlement information which is including customer's personal information carried out between the customer and another company. Depending on the content, our company will delete some of the contents of the information at our discretion in order to protect your personal information. Article 6 (Inquiries of the principal) If the customer wishes to inquire, modify or delete own personal information, our company will promptly and sincerely respond within reasonable range after confirming that you are the principal. Article 7 (Compliance with laws and norms, Reconsideration) Our company will comply with Japanese laws and norms applicable to personal information, reconsider the contents of this privacy policy as appropriate, and make efforts to continuously improve it. Article 8 (Change in Privacy Policy) 1. The contents of this privacy policy can be changed without notifying the user. 2. From the time the revised privacy policy was posted on this website, you agree to this revised privacy policy. Established June 5th, 2018 Revised December 27th, 2018